Mula-mula kita baca berita yang tidak lucu yang buat orang sakit hati di negara Islam kita Malaysia.
Cheras school sends student home for wearing baju kurung
PUBLISHED: JANUARY 15, 2015 06:57 AM

Britney Nicole (centre), Jayaraj (left) and Padan at their home yesterday. — Picture by Azneal Ishak
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 15 — New school. New friends. Bad start.
For Britney Nicole, her excitement about going to a new school this year quickly turned into a nightmare when she was barred yesterday from attending SMK Seri Mutiara in Cheras because she wore a baju kurung uniform.
The Form Three student is puzzled over the ruling and is now scared of returning to school.
“I was wearing baju kurung in my previous school, so I don’t know what is wrong,” Nicole told Malay Mail yesterday.
“I have made new friends in this school and they have been concerned with what is going on.
“I was told by the teacher that I was being given a final warning and that I won’t be allowed to enter class unless I wore a pinafore. Now, I feel scared to go to school.”
She said it started on the first day of school when she and her aunt went the school and was asked by the senior assistant if she was Malay or Chinese.
Avoiding the explanation that she is ethnically Lun Bawang, she gave the simplified answer she was Sarawakian.
It was then that her aunt and guardian, Agnes Padan, 35, said Britney was then told if she was not Malay, she would have to wear a pinafore instead.
Having still not complied with the dress code, Britney was sent home at 7am yesterday and was made to wait outside the school compound because Padan’s husband, sales consultant Lawrence Jayaraj, 45, was only able to pick Nicole up at 10am.
“She said it was the rule in this particular school, where Malay girls wore baju kurung while non-Malay girls wore pinafores,” Padan said.
“I don’t understand how is this an issue. She looks well dressed in her baju kurung and it was not a problem in her previous school.”
Padan said when they went shopping for school uniforms, she felt her niece looked nice in the baju kurung and that a pinafore might be a “bit short”.
“She has been wearing baju kurung since she was in Form One. She has worn pinafores before but this year, we only bought baju kurung.”
Jayaraj found out from other parents the dress code was among the most strictly enforced rules in the school and that others were unhappy with it as well.
“Some of the parents feel like they are being bullied into following this rule,” he said.
He also said he tried to compromise with the teachers — having already spent the budget for school uniforms on baju kurung and asked if it was possible to wait until his paycheck came in at the end of the month — but to no avail.
“They suggested that if I needed money, I should go to her previous school and get BR1M money to pay for her pinafore.”
Nicole lives with her aunt and uncle and their five children in Cheras.
Hailing from the village of Long Senadoh in Lawas, Sarawak, her father put Nicole in the care of her aunt and uncle when she was 12 to pursue a better education.
“We want to give her a good education but now we are occupied with this silly issue,” said Jayaraj.
Deputy Education Minister II P. Kamalanathan said the school had no right to impose the rule for baju kurung to be exclusively worn by Muslim students.
“In the first place, this should not have happened,” he said.
“The ministry is investigating. If it is indeed true, action will be taken.”
Malay Mail’s attempts to contact the school authorities for comments were not successful.
Sumber: The Malay Mail
Bagaimana kita hendak bercakap tentang "Perpaduan Nasional" kalau perkara kecil seperti pakaian sekolah menjadi peraturan rigid yang mengarut?
Inilah akibatnya apabila pakaian dianggap identiti perkauman.
Ini pula berita tak berapa lama dulu tentang seorang kanak-kanak Cina yang masuk sekolah Tahun 1 (Darjah 1) di Terengganu.
Syabbas kepada bapa ini kerana berfikiran terbuka dan sekolah ini kerana menerima budak ini dengan baik. Bahasa Ibunda tidak dilupakan walaupun anak dihantar ke sekolah kebangsaan.
Harap Kementerian siasat betul-betul kejadian menghalang murid bukan Melayu memakai baju kurung ini. Jangan sampai ia berulang jika Kementerian mahu dilihat telus dan ingin mengamalkan konsep Perpaduan Nasional atau Integrasi kaum atau apa-apa jargon yang Kerajaan BN hendak gunakan bagi merapatkan hubungan antara kaum di Malaysia.
DeeDee Yong...
ReplyDeleteNih la masalahnyer biler golongan ekstrimis menguasai.... sebab tue la kerja dakwah di Malaysia nih agak susah skit.... sebab ramai sangat ekstrimis agama Islam dalam banyak cabang perkhidmatan....
Salam C++
DeleteItule sebabnya Yong minta kementerian siasat betul2 apa masalahnya.
Jangan sampai sebab ini nama Islam pula yang tercemar. Sudahle dalam kementerian tu ada montori pengerusi sekolah mubaligh.
DeeDee Yong...
ReplyDeleteBTW ... layout blog sudah tukar aaa.... Hahaha
Salam C++
DeleteBaru draf ni...
Assalam Yong. Siasat dulu. Katanya pelajar ini tidak pakai singlet ketika berbaju kurung. Bajung kurung sekolah nipis Yong. Kalau pakai, nampak baju dalam jika tanpa singlet. Ini trend pelajar perempuan sekarang. Baju kurung + tudung = Sopan dan comel. Tapi baju kurung sekolah - tudung - singlet = seksi yong. Mungkin ini sebabnya. Bukan senang cikgu nak suka2 suruh budak2 tu balik. Wallualam....
ReplyDeleteSalam mohdsamsul
DeleteOh yeker?
Cakaplah elok2. Kenapa sampai budak tu trauma takmo pergi sekolah?
Salam Yong,
ReplyDeleteKalau benar pelajar tersebut tak pakai singlet, pastikan dia pakai esoknya, bukan disuruh balik. Takut nanti baju kurung jadi eksklusif utk Melayu spt kalimah Allah jadi eksklusif umat Islam. Nampak macam ada unsur UMNO, Perkasa dan ISMA.
Salam IbnAbdHalim
DeleteYang jelas keluarga pelajar tak puas hati. Istilah yang digunakan "unhappy."
Kementerian perlu adil menangani masalah ini.
Kadang2 pelajar tak trauma. Tapi media yang kata trauma. Mugkiin betul mungkin tak. Kita takda kat situ.
ReplyDeleteSalam mohdsamsul
DeleteYong juga seorang pendidik. Bila pelajar berpakaian tak senonoh, Yong bisik di telinga dia. Biar dia seorang yang dengar. Remaja sangat mementingkan air muka.
Dia tak perlu kata dia trauma. Tapi bila kata "scared" untuk datang ke sekolah, maknanya apa tu?
Lainkali jangan cepat sangat menaip, takut terlibat sama fitnah. Fitnah itu lebih besar dosanya dari membunuh.
ReplyDeletepenjelasan cikgu tu
DeleteTerima kasih kerana memberi link tersebut. Yong akan siarkan kenyataan rasmi sekolah berkenaan.